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Deliberations begin at 9 a.m. and go until 4:30 p.m., or later if jurors wish. They must come to a unanimous decision and are considering three charges: murder, illegal possession of a firearm and illegal possession of ammunition. The murder charge carries a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole if he is found guilty of first-degree murder, or life in prison with the possibility of parole after 15 years if he is found guilty of second-degree murder.
"I think Jason is going to be a better coach five years from now than he is today, and I think he's a much better coach today than he was five years ago," Jones said earlier this season. "He's a growing, smart, hard-working coach that is really getting some great experience."
So did the Falcons, the only head coaching vacancy that hasn't been filled.
Campus police arrested one person for disorderly conduct.
Fortunately, the Browns aren't looking for another quarterback, too.
"I think Jason is going to be a better coach five years from now than he is today, and I think he's a much better coach today than he was five years ago," Jones said earlier this season. "He's a growing, smart, hard-working coach that is really getting some great experience."
So did the Falcons, the only head coaching vacancy that hasn't been filled.
Campus police arrested one person for disorderly conduct.
Fortunately, the Browns aren't looking for another quarterback, too.
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